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A brief look and time line of the
First Presbyterian Church of Coldwater MI.

First Presbyterian Church has been serving the community since 1832 and is open to all that seek to worship and learn about the teachings of Christ.

† The First Presbyterian Church was organized in 1837, the year Coldwater was incorporated as a village  The local Presbyterian society held services in various quarters until 1844, when it erected its first church building. Construction of the current historic structure began in 1864 and finished in 1869. Civil War drafts brought operations to a halt and work was stopped until August, 1866.

† From 1958 through 1959, a two-story addition was built for an educational role.

† The building was designated a Michigan State Historic Site on June 15, 1979. It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places on July 31, 1986,

† The 185-foot steeple, one of the highest in southern Michigan and the chief landmark of the city was made possible by a gift from S.M. Seely. The steeple was reconstructed in 2004, funded by community donations.

† Sojourner Truth was an African-American abolitionist and women’s rights activist. Truth was born into slavery but escaped with her infant daughter to freedom in 1826. She spoke at the First Presbyterian Church in 1877. The lectern from which she spoke can still be viewed at the church.

† Elizabeth Cady Stanton also spoke at the First Presbyterian Church in 1877. She was an American suffragist, social activist, abolitionist, and leading figure of the early women’s rights movement.

1973 The Wurlitzer organ was removed, a new Reuter organ installed and dedicated at the morning Worship Service September 30.It was installed by Mr. George Price of Tekonsha, Michigan. 1,137 pipes are included in the organ’s 19 ranks.

† In 2017 renovation were finished in Fellowship Hall. Upgrades were made to the elevator, new carpet was installed in the Sanctuary. 2018 two new boilers were installed and carpeting  in the lounge.

† The mission of the First Presbyterian Church
    of Coldwater, MI is to:
Glorify  God by bringing others into
Communion with Him,
Nurture the spiritual, emotional, physical
    and social needs of its congregation,
Encourage faithful stewardship of the God given gifts of time,
    talent, and substance, and
Be sensitive to the needs of our greater
† The church is the oldest in Coldwater to still be used by the original denomination.

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